Emily Irene Kathleen Sarah
Emily Irene Kathleen Sarah was born in 1888 in Bristol St James and St Paul.
She worked as a private means - domestic duties and elementary school teacher.
Emily Irene Kathleen moved to 15 Morley Sq in 1891, aged 3 . She left in 1952, after a period of 62 years.
Emily Irene Kathleen died in 1950.
Her father was William Coad Sarah
Records used
Date | Age | Details | Source |
1891 | (3) | occupant, , Daughter | census |
1901 | (13) | occupant, Single, Daughter | census |
1911 | (23) | occupant, Single, Daughter, Employee, Elementary School Teacher | census |
1937 | (49) | occupant | kelly |
1938 | (50) | occupant | kelly |
1939 | (52) | occupant, Single, Private means - domestic duties | census |
1939 | (51) | occupant | kelly |
1943 | (55) | occupant | kelly |
1946 | (58) | occupant | kelly |
1949 | (61) | occupant | kelly |
Jun 1950 | (62) | death | BDM |
1952 | (64) | occupant | kelly |